Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Alba Model Information - Modelling Advice

Alba Models is the site to go to for all information about modelling covering all topics from working abroard, avoiding scams, eating disorders to child modelling and any other model advice. The site if founded by Katie Froud and it is officially the watchdog for the UK's modelling and pagent industry.
Association of Model Agents

Another essential site for models is The Association of Model Agents (AMA) which is a small self-governing group of model agencies that have set their own standards regarding conduct. "The main objective is of its members which is to discover, develop and deploy fashion models so as to enable them to enjoy profitable and fulfilling careers."

Mundia's Top Five Tips 

Mundia has been a modelling for two years now and is with London's Base Models Agency.

1. Think good about yourself becuase your self-portait determins your attitude, your attitude decides who wants you.
2. Be very hard working and determined to get where you are going.
3. If you commit to any work your actions should not cause people to lose thier trust in you.

4. Take good care of your body, your skin and hair.
5. The last thing you do is celebrate your work and life.

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